
Showing posts from March, 2024

Java Backend Developer 大家好 !我哋公司 (FinTech) 請緊 Java Backend Developer (Hong Kong, Reocation Possible. 比較適合現時在香港 但希望有靈活性的 candidate)  1. 5 to 10Y Core Java Experience 2. Microservices 3. Multi-threading, Project Reactor 4. TDD, BDD, Mocking 5. Ex FinTech, Ex Banking, Ex High Tech preferred but not mandatory. 如有興趣請私訊謝謝 . p.s. I represent my company for hiring developers as a developer. I have been a Java DEV since Java 1.3 and I am still learning. 多多指教 --- 大家好 收到一些網友查詢多謝各位支持 以下有幾點係常見問題先行在這裏回答 1. 我們公司在香港英國加拿大澳洲等地有辦事處 . 雖然你會在香港開始 , 不過如果你日後有 relocation plan 係有商量的 .  2. 我們會請 5Y to 10Y 工作經驗的 Java DEV. 經驗不是我們唯一的考慮因素 , 而係有能者居之 .  3. 我們一般都會在家工作 . 所以最緊要你屋企上網速度夠快就冇問題 .  希望可以幫到大家 謝謝 . 5至10年Java核心經驗 : 指求職者擁有5到10年使用Java語言進行軟件開發的經驗。Java是一種廣泛使用的程式語言,適用於建立各種應用程序,包括網絡、移動和桌面應用程序。 微服務(Microservices) : 微服務是一種架構樣式,它將應用程序作為一組小的服務來開發和部署,每個服務運行在其自己的進程中,並使用輕量級機制(通常是HTTP RESTful API)進行通信。這種方式使得應用程序易於擴展和維護。 多線程、Project Reactor : 多線程是指在一個程序中同時運行多個執行線索,...

Wealthy Family FIM Incentive System

Wealthy Family FIM Incentive System The FIM Rewards System is a comprehensive incentive program designed to reward its distributors for their contributions through product sales and promotion. The program includes a range of eligibility criteria, sales incentives, withdrawal conditions, as well as relevant systems and rules.  1. Eligibility to participate The FIM rewards system for affluent families has established four different eligibility criteria, primarily based on the amount of the initial product purchase. These include: V1 Distributor: First-time purchase of products reaching HK$4000 (approximately 0.5 UV) will receive 500U of FSV points for purchasing rights. V2 Distributors: For the first purchase of products reaching HK$8000 (approximately 1UV), you will receive 1000U of FSV points for purchasing rights. V3 Distributors: Upon first purchase of products reaching HK$16,000 (approximately 2UV), you will receive 2,000U of FSV points for purchasing rights. One-Star Diamond Di...