
Web Application Security Concerns & OWASP Top 10 Explained

 ### **Web Application Security Concerns & OWASP Top 10 Explained**   **Web application security** is about protecting websites from attacks, unauthorized access, and data leaks. Many websites store important user data, making them a target for hackers.   **OWASP Top 10** is a list of the **most common and serious web security risks**. It is created by **OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)** and helps developers understand and fix security issues.   ### **OWASP Top 10 Security Risks (2021 Version)**   1. **Broken Access Control**      - Users can access data or features they shouldn’t, like viewing admin pages or other users’ information.   2. **Cryptographic Failures**      - Sensitive data (passwords, credit card details) is not protected properly, making it easy to steal.   3. **Injection Attacks**      - Hackers insert harmful code (SQL injection...

OWASP Top 10

  網絡應用安全問題與 OWASP Top 10 解釋 網絡應用安全(Web Application Security)指的是保護網站及其數據免受惡意攻擊、未經授權的訪問或數據洩露的各種措施和技術。由於現代 Web 應用通常包含大量用戶數據並處理敏感信息,因此它們成為攻擊者的主要目標。 OWASP Top 10 (開放式 Web 應用安全計劃前 10 名)是一個由 OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project,開放式 Web 應用安全計劃)發布的全球性安全風險排名。這份清單總結了當前 Web 應用最常見、最嚴重的安全漏洞,並提供了緩解建議。 OWASP Top 10(2021 年版)安全風險 A01 - 權限控制失敗(Broken Access Control) 未正確限制用戶權限,導致未授權的訪問或操作,例如越權訪問管理介面或其他用戶的數據。 A02 - 加密失敗(Cryptographic Failures) (前稱:敏感數據暴露) 敏感數據(如密碼、信用卡信息)未加密或使用弱加密算法,導致數據洩露的風險。 A03 - SQL 注入和其他注入攻擊(Injection) 應用未正確過濾用戶輸入,導致惡意 SQL、XSS(跨站腳本)或命令注入攻擊,攻擊者可能操控數據庫或執行惡意代碼。 A04 - 不安全設計(Insecure Design) 由於應用架構設計存在安全漏洞,如缺乏驗證機制,導致攻擊者可利用系統缺陷來入侵應用。 A05 - 安全錯誤配置(Security Misconfiguration) 伺服器、數據庫或應用的安全配置錯誤,例如使用默認憑據、開啟過多權限或暴露敏感文件。 A06 - 易受攻擊和過時的元件(Vulnerable and Outdated Components) 使用已知存在安全漏洞的第三方庫、框架或插件,而未及時更新補丁,導致攻擊者利用已知漏洞進行攻擊。 A07 - 身分驗證和授權失敗(Identification and Authentication Failures) (前稱:身份驗證失敗) 如密碼策略過於寬鬆、使用弱密碼、未實施多因素身份驗證(MFA),導致攻擊者輕易竊取用戶帳戶。 A08 - 軟體與資料完整性失敗(Software and Data Integrity Failur...

state government roles website

South Australia (SA) New South Wales (NSW): The I Work for NSW portal advertises job vacancies across various NSW government agencies. Victoria (VIC): The Careers.Vic website provides listings for positions within the Victorian Public Service. Queensland (QLD): The Smart Jobs and Careers platform showcases job opportunities in the Queensland Government. Western Australia (WA): The WA Government Jobs Board features vacancies across Western Australian government departments. Tasmania (TAS): The Jobs Tasmania site lists employment opportunities within the Tasmanian State Service. Australian Capital Territory (ACT): The Jobs ACT portal provides information on positions available in the ACT Government. ...

LLM fine-tuning algorithms

  **Reinforcement Learning Algorithms:** 1.  **Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF):**    - **Simple Explanation:** RLHF is a method where we improve a model by using feedback from humans.  The model learns to give better answers based on what people prefer.    - **Why Use It with Llama 3.1:** We can make Llama 3.1 respond more like a human by teaching it what answers people like, making it more helpful. 2.  **Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO):**    - **Simple Explanation:** PPO is a technique that helps a model learn safely and efficiently.  It updates the model in small steps to avoid big mistakes.    - **Why Use It with Llama 3.1:** By using PPO, we can train Llama 3.1 without risking large errors, leading to steady improvements. 3.  **Direct Preference Optimization (DPO):**    - **Simple Explanation:** DPO lets the model learn directly from what people prefer, without needing extra steps....

SQL Tutorials 10 hours

Certainly! Here's a tutorial in the form of a flash card table for MySQL SQL commands: SQL Command & Explanation SQL Example SELECT - Retrieves data from one or more tables. SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees; FROM - Specifies the table to retrieve data from. SELECT first_name FROM employees; WHERE - Filters records based on a condition. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age > 30; AND , OR - Combine conditions in a WHERE clause. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age > 30 AND department = 'HR'; ORDER BY - Sorts the result set. SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY last_name ASC; INSERT INTO - Adds new records into a table. INSERT INTO employees (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('John', 'Doe'); UPDATE - Modifies existing records in a table. UPDATE employees SET age = 31 WHERE first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Doe'; DELETE - Removes records from a table. DELETE FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'Doe'; CREATE DATABASE - Cre...