Follow these steps to install eksctl

 To create an EKS Cluster using the `eksctl` command in Windows 11, you need to install the `eksctl` software. Follow these steps to install `eksctl`:

1. **Install `eksctl`:**

   - Open your preferred terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Windows Terminal).

   - Download the `eksctl` binary by running the following command:


     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ""


   - Extract the downloaded zip file:


     Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath "$HOME\.eksctl"


   - Add the `eksctl` binary to your PATH:


     $env:Path += ";$HOME\.eksctl"


   Alternatively, you can manually download the `eksctl` binary from the [official GitHub releases page]( and extract it to a directory that is included in your system PATH.

2. **Verify the Installation:**

   - After adding `eksctl` to your PATH, verify the installation by running:


     eksctl version


     This should display the version of `eksctl` you installed.

3. **Install AWS CLI (if not already installed):**

   - To interact with AWS services, you'll also need the AWS CLI. Install it by following the official [AWS CLI installation guide](

   - Verify the installation by running:


     aws --version


4. **Configure AWS CLI:**

   - Configure the AWS CLI with your credentials:


     aws configure


     Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region name (e.g., `us-east-2`), and default output format.

After completing these steps, you should be able to run the `eksctl create cluster` command to create your EKS cluster.


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