Interview Questions and Answer 1



Tell me about yourself.

I have over 9 years of comprehensive experience in software development, specializing in Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, and ASP.NET WebForm C#. I graduated from the University of Adelaide with a degree in Computer Sciences and Mathematics. My passion lies in delivering robust tech solutions.

What did you study at the University of Adelaide?

I pursued a Bachelor of Computer Sciences and a Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with a major in Artificial Intelligence.

How has your degree prepared you for this position?

My degree equipped me with the foundational principles of AI, statistical methods, algorithm design, data structures, and data analysis, all essential for this role.

Why did you choose a major in Artificial Intelligence?

The potential of AI in transforming industries and the challenges it presents fascinated me. I wanted to be at the forefront of this tech revolution.

Do you have any plans for further study?

While I am always open to continuous learning, my current focus is on applying my knowledge in real-world scenarios and making impactful contributions to the company.

What interests you in this position?

The role aligns with my expertise and offers opportunities to work on innovative projects, driving technology forward.

What attributes and skills make you suitable for this position?

My extensive experience with Java, Spring, Hibernate, ASP.NET, coupled with my analytical skills from studying Mathematics and Computer Science, makes me a strong candidate.

How can you contribute to our organization?

I can develop robust tech solutions, bring creativity to problem-solving, and leverage my knowledge in AI for innovative projects.

Describe your strengths.

I am analytical, adaptable, enthusiastic, and possess strong technical skills in Java, ASP.NET, and more.

Any weaknesses?

While I am confident in my technical skills, I'm always working to improve my soft skills, such as public speaking.

What are your career goals?

I aim to be a leader in tech solutions, contribute to AI innovations, and mentor the next generation of developers.

What do you value in a job?

I value innovation, collaboration, continuous learning, and the opportunity to make a significant impact.

Describe your work style.

I approach tasks with initiative, ensuring robustness, creativity, and efficiency in my solutions.

Do you prefer team work or working alone?

I am adaptable. While I enjoy collaborative projects, I can also handle independent tasks effectively.

Are you a leader?

Yes, throughout my career, I've led projects and guided teams towards successful project completion.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Leading a team of developers, driving tech innovations, and contributing significantly to the field of AI.

Describe a situation with a difficult customer.

At Automated Systems, I once had to address concerns from a client who was not satisfied with a feature. I listened, made the necessary modifications, and ensured client satisfaction.

Tell me about a quick decision under pressure.

During a system rollout at ICLP, I detected an anomaly. I quickly rectified it, ensuring seamless deployment without delays.

Describe a time you showed initiative.

At Classroom, I independently designed and launched an online Math homework platform, identifying a need and addressing it.

How do you handle competing demands?

I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring efficient time management and task delegation if necessary.

Are you open to travel?

Yes, I am open to travel if it aligns with the project's requirements and objectives.

Any commitments that might interfere with this job?

Currently, no. I am fully committed to contributing to the success of this role.

Describe a persuasive situation.

At Telelink, I proposed a new design interplay between business logic and physical models. After presenting its benefits, the team was convinced and adopted the approach.

Describe a stressful situation and your coping mechanism.

At TIM EDPlatform, during a tight project deadline, I organized tasks, took short breaks, and ensured clear communication to manage stress.

Give an example of good judgment and logic.

At Automated Systems, when developing for the HK Department of Health, I employed domain-driven design (DDD) to ensure a robust application structure.

Tell about a time you achieved a goal.

At ICLP, I successfully developed a new CRM survey system within the set timeframe.

Describe your presentation skills.

At Bechelon Consulting, I presented web application interfaces to stakeholders, ensuring clarity and receiving constructive feedback.

Describe conforming to a policy you disagreed with.

While I always strive for best practices, I respect organizational decisions and ensure alignment with company policies, even if I have personal reservations.

Describe an important document you completed.

At Classroom, I documented the entire development process of the online Math homework platform, detailing features, functionality, and user guides.

Describe going above and beyond in your job.

At Telelink, I not only developed the application for PCCW but also provided extended support to ensure smooth integration and user training.

How do you prioritize tasks?

Based on project requirements, deadlines, and potential impact, ensuring that all tasks are addressed effectively.

Describe a split-second decision.

During a server outage at TIM EDPlatform, I quickly decided to reroute traffic to ensure minimal disruption.

How do you handle conflict?

I focus on clear communication, understanding the root cause, and finding a collaborative solution.

Describe working with someone you didn’t get along with.

At Automated Systems, I collaborated with a colleague with differing views. We focused on our common goal, respected each other's expertise, and successfully completed the project.

How has your work at Automated Systems prepared you for this job?

I developed web-service functionalities, designed Java web applications, and honed my skills in various technologies, making me adept at handling diverse tech challenges.

Tell me about your role at ICLP.

I was responsible for maintaining CRM systems, developing new systems, and ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructures.

What did you achieve at Classroom?

I independently designed and launched a new online Math homework platform, addressing the need for a modern solution.

How did your experience at Telelink help you grow?

I spearheaded technical projects, designed FTP tools, and mastered the implementation of validation and business rules, enhancing my technical and leadership skills.

Describe your most challenging project at TIM EDPlatform.

I developed a server-client side design for a library system, ensuring robustness and user-friendliness in the application.

How did you start your career at Bechelon Consulting?

I began as a Junior Web Designer, designing web interfaces and collaboratively developing applications.

What software and programming languages are you proficient in?

I am proficient in Eclipse, MSSQL 2005, Oracle SQL Developer, Java, Spring boot, Hibernate, ASP.NET WebForm C# 2.0, and many more.

Tell me about the awards you received.

I have been honored with several certificates from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Chinese



Can you explain more about the domain-driven design (DDD) architecture you used for the PIDS-PDA application?

I implemented the domain-driven design (DDD) architecture for the PIDS-PDA application while at Automated Systems (HK) Limited. DDD promotes understanding the real-world domain and developing a model that reflects this understanding. It was particularly helpful in ensuring that the application matched the operational needs of the Hong Kong Department Of Health.

How do you adapt when working with different programming languages and technologies?

Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to work with a range of languages and technologies, such as Java, C#, PHP3, and more. I approach each language and framework by understanding its unique features and strengths, then apply them in the most effective way for the project. My experience across these languages has given me the adaptability to pick up new ones efficiently.

I see you've worked with both MSSQL and Oracle. Do you have a preference when it comes to databases, and why?

Both MSSQL and Oracle have their strengths, and my preference is project-dependent. I've worked with MSSQL for over 6 years and Oracle for 3 years. MSSQL offers excellent integration with other Microsoft products, while Oracle's robustness and scalability are unmatched. Depending on the project's needs, I choose the database that aligns best.

Tell me about a challenging project you worked on at ICLP.

At ICLP, I was tasked with developing a new JHC CRM survey system. It required deep understanding and incorporation of various finance rules with standard implementation. The challenge lay in maintaining and validating these rules, ensuring the system was both accurate and efficient. However, with my expertise in ASP.NET webform C# 2.0, MSSQL, and other technologies, I was able to develop the system successfully.

Your resume mentions you've developed several applications independently. How do you ensure that you're on the right track when working alone?

Working independently requires discipline, clear goal-setting, and regular self-review. Whenever I develop applications on my own, I start by setting clear objectives and milestones. Regularly, I check my progress against these milestones and adjust as needed. Additionally, I constantly test and validate my work to ensure it meets the project's requirements and quality standards.

I noticed you worked on web development using ASP.NET WebForm C#. Can you talk about any specific security measures you took in your projects?

Certainly. Security is paramount in web development. When working with ASP.NET WebForm C#, I always adhere to best practices, such as using parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection, validating user inputs both client-side and server-side, and implementing proper authentication and authorization measures. Regularly, I also keep the platform updated to ensure any known vulnerabilities are patched.

How do you ensure the optimal performance of the web applications you develop?

Performance is a crucial aspect of user experience. I focus on various strategies such as optimizing database queries, ensuring efficient use of resources, implementing caching where applicable, and minimizing the use of heavy client-side scripts. Regular load testing and performance monitoring also help in identifying and rectifying any bottlenecks.

I see you have experience with AI and machine learning during your academic years. How do you see AI influencing your future projects or the IT industry in general?

AI is revolutionizing the IT industry. My exposure to AI concepts during my studies at the University of Adelaide has given me insight into its transformative power. In future projects, I envision leveraging AI for more intelligent data analysis, predictive modeling, and enhancing user experiences. It's an exciting era for IT, and I'm keen to incorporate AI more deeply into my work.

Can you discuss a significant technical challenge you faced at Automated Systems (HK) Limited and how you overcame it?

While at Automated Systems (HK) Limited, one significant challenge was integrating Java web applications with cache servers operating on the Red Hat OS. Given the differences in technologies, achieving seamless integration required a deep understanding of both platforms. By thorough testing, research, and collaboration with my team, we devised a solution that ensured efficient communication between the applications and cache servers.

In terms of team dynamics, how do you handle disagreements or differing opinions when working on a project?

Open communication is key. When disagreements arise, I prioritize understanding the perspective of the other party. We discuss our viewpoints, weigh the pros and cons of each approach, and aim for a solution that is in the best interest of the project. Mutual respect and the shared goal of delivering quality work always guide our resolutions.



Describe a time when you showed initiative.

While at Automated Systems (HK) Limited, I took the initiative to develop a PIDS-PDA application using a domain-driven design (DDD) architecture for the Hong Kong Department Of Health.

How do you deal with competing demands?

In my role as an Analyst Programmer at ICLP, I had to balance maintaining the CTF CRM system and the e-card reader system while developing a new XML Financial report system. I prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance and maintain open communication with stakeholders.

Are you prepared to travel?

Yes, I am prepared to travel. Throughout my career, especially with companies such as Automated Systems (HK) Limited, I've been open to opportunities that required flexibility and mobility.

Do you have commitments likely to interfere with this job?

I am fully dedicated to my professional commitments. While I've juggled academic and professional roles in the past, I always ensure that my work responsibilities remain unaffected.

Describe a situation in which you used persuasion to convince someone to see things your way.

At Classroom, I designed and launched a new online Math homework platform. Convincing the stakeholders about its utility required me to showcase its benefits and how it would streamline academic processes.

Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation and demonstrated coping skills.

Launching the online Math homework platform at Classroom was stressful due to tight deadlines. I kept a clear head, broke tasks into manageable chunks, and maintained regular communication with the team.

Give an example of a time when you set a goal and achieved it.

One of my proudest moments was at ICLP where I aimed to develop a new JHC CRM survey system. With dedication and efficient work, I successfully launched the system within the set timeframe.

Tell me about a time when you used presentation skills to influence an opinion.

During my tenure at TIM EDPlatform Ltd, I had to present the benefits of a C# window application with a server-client side design to the stakeholders. My presentation skills played a pivotal role in getting their buy-in for the project.

Give a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy you did not agree with.

While working at Telelink, I was required to use specific design interplays between business logic and physical models. Even though I initially disagreed, I conformed to the policy while ensuring it met the project's goals.

Discuss an important written document you had to complete.

At the University of Adelaide, I engaged in thorough research papers and documentation for courses like "Algorithm Design and Data Structures". These documents were critical to showcasing my understanding and proficiency in the subject.

Tell me about a time when you went above the call of duty.

At Automated Systems (HK) Limited, I took it upon myself to delve deeper into the domain-driven design (DDD) architecture for the PIDS-PDA application, ensuring it surpassed the expectations of the Hong Kong Department Of Health.

How do you prioritize tasks when overwhelmed?

A good example is at Telelink where I had numerous responsibilities ranging from web development to managing technical projects. I'd always list tasks, evaluate their urgency and importance, and allocate time accordingly.

Describe a split-second decision you made at work.

While at ICLP, I decided to swiftly implement a change in the XML Financial report system upon noticing a potential flaw. This quick decision ensured that we remained compliant with financial rules.

What is your typical way of dealing with conflict?

I believe in open communication. For instance, at TIM EDPlatform Ltd, I'd often collaborate with teams, and if disagreements arose, we'd discuss them openly, aiming for a mutually beneficial solution.

Share an experience where you successfully interacted with someone you didn’t get along with.

At Bechelon Consulting, there was a colleague with a contrasting approach to web design. Even though our styles differed, I made an effort to understand his perspective and found a common ground to collaborate effectively.

How did you manage to balance your studies in Artificial Intelligence with your role at Telelink?

I always maintained a clear schedule, dedicating specific hours for academic commitments and work. Planning ahead and adhering to my calendar ensured that both areas received my full attention.

Can you describe a project where you utilized your knowledge from the "Mining Big Data" course?

Though I haven't applied this directly in a professional setting yet, my knowledge from "Mining Big Data" has immensely helped me understand the importance of data in decision-making processes, and I'm eager to implement this in future roles.

Tell me more about your experience with Java and Spring MVC at Automated Systems.

Over 3 years, I developed web-service functionalities targeting the Windows Mobile 6.5 platform. I extensively

Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about your university studies.

What skills have you obtained from your degree?

How does your degree prepare you for this position?

Why did you choose this particular major?

What are your plans for further study?

What makes you interested in this position?

What attributes and skills do you possess that would help you to achieve in this position?

In what ways could you contribute to this organization?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

What are your career goals?

What things are most important to you in a job?

How would you describe your work style?

Are you a good team worker or do you like to work alone?

Are you a leader?

Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer – what happened and how did you deal with it?

Tell me about a time when you had to make a very quick decision under pressure – what were the circumstances and what did you do?

Describe a time when you showed initiative.

How do you deal with competing demands?

Are you prepared to travel?

Do you have commitments likely to interfere with this job?

Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.

Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation in which you demonstrated coping skills.

Give us a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.

Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone’s opinion.

Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

Please discuss an important written document you were required to complete.

Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.

Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.

Give me an example of when you had to make a split-second decision. What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.

Tell me about a time when you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa).



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