Programming Problems and Code Interviews
Question Type: Sequence Validation
Sequence validation is checking whether a sequence, like an array or list, follows certain rules or patterns. It’s important for ensuring data correctness, like verifying sorted order or proper syntax in strings or code.
Coding Problem Question: Given an array a and a sequence seq, can you write a function in Java to determine if seq is a subsequence of a?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array Sum
Please kindly explain Computer science concept Array Sum in 50 simple English words.
Coding Problem Question: How would you implement a function that returns true if a pair of numbers in the array adds up to a specific target sum?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array Transformation
Array transformation involves changing an array's structure or content—like reshaping, filtering, or mapping values to new forms—often to prepare data for algorithms, visualization, or to meet specific criteria of a computational task.
Coding Problem Question: Can you create a method that takes a sorted array and returns an array of the squares of each number sorted in non-decreasing order?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Game Scoring
Coding Problem Question: In a gaming tournament, how would you determine the overall winner given a list of round winners?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Change Making
Please kindly explain Computer science concept Change Making in 50 simple English words.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function that returns the smallest change that cannot be created with the coins in a given array.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Matrix Manipulation
Matrix manipulation in computer science involves altering matrices—grid-like arrays of numbers—by performing operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or transformation to solve systems of equations, graphics rendering, and other computational tasks.
Coding Problem Question: How would you write a Java method to transpose a 2D matrix?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Binary Search Tree
Please kindly explain Computer science concept Binary Search Tree in 50 simple English words.
Coding Problem Question: Implement a method to find the closest value to a given number in a BST.
Java Coding Answer:
The java.lang.Math.abs() returns the absolute value of a given argument.
// Comment: Leverages BST property to eliminate half of the tree at each step, keeping track of the closest value found.
Question Type: Tree Traversal
Tree traversal is visiting each node in a tree data structure in a specific order. Methods like in-order, pre-order, and post-order cover depth-first traversals, while level-order traverses breadth-first, useful for various computational tasks and data processing.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function that takes in a Binary Tree and returns a list of its branch sums (sum of all numbers from the root to the leaf nodes).
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Recursive DFS approach to traverse the tree and compute sums for each branch.
Question Type: Graph Traversal
Graph Search Algorithms in 100 Seconds - And Beyond with JS - YouTube
Coding Problem Question: Given a 2D array of potentially unequal height and width containing 0s and 1s, each 1 represents land connected to other 1s horizontally or vertically (not diagonally). Write a function that returns the sizes of all rivers (connected 1s).
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array & Pointers
Coding Problem Question: Write a method that takes in a non-empty array of distinct integers and an integer representing a target sum. The function should find all triplets in the array that sum up to the target sum and return a 2D array of all these triplets.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Sorts the array and uses a three-pointer technique to identify triplets that sum to the target value.
Question Type: Array Comparison
Array comparison involves checking if two arrays are identical in terms of element order and values, or determining how they differ. It's used to validate data integrity or to synchronize collections of data.
Coding Problem Question: Given two non-empty arrays of integers, write a function that finds the pair of numbers (one from each array) whose absolute difference is closest to zero. The function should return an array containing these two numbers, with the number from the first array in the first position.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: After sorting both arrays, a pair of pointers advances through each to find the smallest difference.
Question Type: Array Manipulation
Array manipulation involves adding, removing, or changing elements within an array. Operations include updating values, sorting, or filtering content. It's essential for organizing data and preparing it for algorithms or user interfaces.
Coding Problem Question: Can you write a function that takes an array of integers and moves all instances of a given integer to the end of the array?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Uses two pointers to swap elements to move all target elements to the end of the array.
Question Type: Array Analysis
Array analysis involves examining an array's elements to understand characteristics like maximum, minimum, average, or the presence of a sequence or pattern, using algorithms to efficiently process and extract meaningful information from the array's data.
Coding Problem Question: Implement a function that takes in an array of integers and returns a boolean indicating whether the array is monotonic. An array is said to be monotonic if its elements, from left to right, are entirely non-increasing or non-decreasing.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Checks both non-increasing and non-decreasing properties in a single pass.
Question Type: Binary Tree
A binary tree is a data structure where each node has at most two children. It's used to implement efficient searching and sorting algorithms. Nodes are arranged hierarchically, starting from a single root, branching out to leaves.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function that computes the sums of all branches in a binary tree, where a branch is defined as a path from the root to a leaf.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Recursive function to compute branch sums by traversing the tree and adding values along the path.
Question Type: Graph/Matrix
A graph represents connections between objects. A matrix, a two-dimensional array, can represent a graph's connections, with rows and columns as nodes, and cell values indicating presence or weight of edges, useful for pathfinding and network analysis.
Coding Problem Question: Given a matrix of 0s and 1s where each 1 represents part of a river, write a function that returns an array of the sizes of all rivers. A river consists of any number of 1s that are either horizontally or vertically adjacent (not diagonally adjacent).
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Find all triplets in an array that add up to a given target sum and return a list of these triplets.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Sorts the array and uses a moving window to find triplets, adjusting the window based on the current sum.
Question Type: Array Manipulation
Array manipulation involves changing an array's elements, such as adding, deleting, or updating values. It can require shifting elements and adjusting indexes, used for organizing data or preparing it for algorithms like sorting and searching.
Coding Problem Question: How would you write a method in Java that moves all instances of a given element to the end of the array?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Uses two pointers to swap the target elements with the last element, moving all target elements to the end.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function to determine if an array is monotonic. An array is monotonic if it is either non-increasing or non-decreasing.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Traverses the array once to determine if the array is monotonic by checking against both increasing and decreasing properties.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Can you write a Java method that takes in an NxN matrix and returns an array of its elements arranged in a spiral order?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Carefully traverses the matrix in layers from the outermost to the innermost, following a spiral pattern.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: How do you find the length of the longest peak in an array? A peak is defined as adjacent integers in the array that are strictly increasing until they reach a tip (the highest value in the peak), at which point they become strictly decreasing. A peak must be formed by at least three integers.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Linked List
A linked list is a collection of data elements called nodes, where each node points to the next, forming a sequence. Unlike arrays, nodes can be easily inserted or removed without reorganizing the entire structure, providing flexible memory utilization.
Coding Problem Question: How can you shift a linked list by k positions? Shifting by one position involves moving the tail of the list to the front.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The function first computes the length of the list to determine the new head after the shift.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Write a method that finds all unique quadruplets in an array that add up to a given target sum.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the smallest subarray in the original array that needs to be sorted in place in order for the entire array to be sorted?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Identifies the unsorted numbers by comparing each element with its neighbors and then finds their correct positions.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Given an array of integers and a target value, write a function that moves all instances of the target value to the end of the array.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Uses two pointers to swap elements that should move to the end with those that should stay.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: How would you write a function to determine if an array is monotonic? An array is considered monotonic if it is either entirely non-increasing or non-decreasing.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Checks in a single pass if the array fails to be increasing or decreasing to determine monotonicity.
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function that returns the largest range of integers contained in an array. The range of integers is a set of numbers that come right after each other in the set of real integers.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Utilizes a hash map to efficiently find consecutive numbers and updates the range in one pass.
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming is a technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems, solving each just once, and saving these solutions—usually in an array—to avoid repetitive work later. It's useful for optimization problems where subproblems overlap.
Coding Problem Question: Can you write a Java method to calculate the minimum number of rewards that a teacher can give to their students based on their grades? The students must receive at least one reward, and students with higher grades than their immediate neighbors must receive more rewards.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array
An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple items of the same type together, making it easy to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value.
Coding Problem Question: Write a function in Java that traverses a 2D array in a zigzag pattern and returns a one-dimensional list of all the elements in the zigzag order.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Subarray & Math
A subarray is a contiguous part of an array. In math, analyzing subarrays often involves calculating sums, averages, or finding sequences within the larger array that meet certain criteria, using techniques like iteration and sometimes dynamic programming.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the length of the longest subarray which sums to S in a given integer array?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Graph Search
Graph search algorithms navigate through a network of nodes connected by edges, systematically exploring paths to find a specific node or path, like a treasure hunt through a maze, using methods like Depth-First or Breadth-First Search.
Coding Problem Question: In a chessboard, write a function to calculate the minimum number of moves required for a knight to travel between two points.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming & Math
Dynamic Programming solves mathematical problems by breaking them into smaller subproblems, solving each once, storing the results, and reusing these solutions to build up answers to bigger problems, optimizing the process by avoiding redundant calculations.
Coding Problem Question: Given a 2D grid representing a field of tiles, where each tile is 1 square unit, write a function to count the number of square submatrices that have all sides consisting of 1s.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Arrays & Sliding Window
Arrays store items sequentially. The Sliding Window technique involves moving a subarray, or 'window', across the array to examine or compute something within that window, useful for finding subarray sums or maximums efficiently.
Coding Problem Question: Can you write a method that finds the maximum profit you can achieve by completing at most k transactions on a given list of stock prices?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Arrays & Searching
Arrays are ordered collections of elements, accessible by indices. Searching in arrays involves finding an element's position. Linear search checks sequentially, while binary search efficiently divides sorted arrays in half to locate elements quicker.
Coding Problem Question: Imagine you are looking for an apartment and you have a list of requirements (like gym, school, store). Write a Java method that finds the apartment that minimizes the farthest distance to all your requirements.
Java Coding Answer:
int apartmentHunting(List<Map<String, Boolean>> blocks, String[] reqs) {
int[][] minDistancesFromBlock = new int[reqs.length][blocks.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++) {
int closestReqIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks.size(); j++) {
if (blocks.get(j).get(reqs[i])) {
closestReqIndex = j;
minDistancesFromBlock[i][j] = Math.abs(j - closestReqIndex);
for (int j = blocks.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (blocks.get(j).get(reqs[i])) {
closestReqIndex = j;
minDistancesFromBlock[i][j] = Math.min(minDistancesFromBlock[i][j], Math.abs(j - closestReqIndex));
int minDistanceIdx = 0;
int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks.size(); j++) {
int furthestReq = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++) {
furthestReq = Math.max(furthestReq, minDistancesFromBlock[i][j]);
if (furthestReq < minDistance) {
minDistanceIdx = j;
minDistance = furthestReq;
return minDistanceIdx;
// Comment: This problem requires computing the minimum distance to each requirement for every block and then finding the block with the minimum of the maximum distances to all requirements.
Question Type: Arrays & Searching
Arrays are ordered collections of elements, accessible by indices. Searching in arrays involves finding an element's position. Linear search checks sequentially, while binary search efficiently divides sorted arrays in half to locate elements quicker.
Coding Problem Question: Imagine you are looking for an apartment and you have a list of requirements (like gym, school, store). Write a Java method that finds the apartment that minimizes the farthest distance to all your requirements.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Interval Scheduling
Interval Scheduling arranges activities to maximize the number scheduled without conflicts. It typically selects tasks with the earliest end times first, fitting in the maximum number without overlap, often implemented using a greedy algorithm for efficiency.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the available time slots for a meeting given two people's daily calendars and their daily bounds?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming is a method for solving complex problems by dividing them into simpler subproblems, solving each once, storing their solutions, and reusing them when the same subproblems recur, thereby saving computation time.
Coding Problem Question: In a grid of water blocks, where some are obstacles, can you calculate the percentage of water that falls through to the bottom row after flowing over the obstacles?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Geometry & Hashing
Geometry in computer science involves spatial calculations for graphics and algorithms. Hashing converts data into a fixed-size hash code, facilitating fast data retrieval, much like indexing in a book, but used in databases and for secure data handling.
Coding Problem Question: Find the area of the smallest rectangle that can be formed using any set of points on a Cartesian plane.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Geometry & Mathematics
Geometry in mathematics deals with shapes, sizes, and the properties of space. It involves studying points, lines, planes, and figures, calculating areas, volumes, and understanding their relationships and symmetries in two and three dimensions.
Coding Problem Question: What is the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line in a 2D plane?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Trees & Binary Search
Trees in computer science organize data hierarchically, branching from a root node to leaves. Binary search is an efficient algorithm on trees or sorted arrays, repeatedly dividing the search space by half to find a target value.
Coding Problem Question: How can you determine for each number in an array, the number of smaller numbers to the right of it?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree Traversal
Tree traversal is the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once in a systematic way. Common methods include in-order, pre-order, and post-order for depth-first approaches, and level-order for breadth-first traversal.
Coding Problem Question: Implement an iterative in-order traversal of a binary tree without using recursion.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree
In computer science, a tree is a data structure consisting of nodes connected by edges. It starts with a root node and branches out with no cycles, resembling a real-life tree flipped upside down, used for organizing hierarchical data efficiently.
Coding Problem Question: How can you flatten a binary tree to a linked list in-place following the in-order sequence?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array
Coding Problem Question: Can you write a function that takes an array and returns an array where each index has the product of every number in the input array except the number at that index?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree Traversal
Tree traversal is the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once in a systematic way. Common methods include in-order, pre-order, and post-order for depth-first approaches, and level-order for breadth-first traversal.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the sum of all the node depths in a binary tree?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the first duplicate value in an array, where the integer values are less than the length of the array?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Trees / Expression Evaluation
Expression trees represent mathematical expressions as trees. Operators are internal nodes, and operands are leaves. Evaluating the expression follows traversing the tree, combining leaf values using parent operators, bottom-up, to compute the expression's result.
Coding Problem Question: How do you evaluate an arithmetic expression stored in a binary expression tree?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Interval Scheduling
Interval scheduling optimizes task assignments based on time intervals. It arranges activities so that the maximum number of non-overlapping tasks are completed, often using a greedy algorithm to choose the next task with the earliest finish time.
Coding Problem Question: How do you merge all overlapping intervals in a given collection of intervals?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Graph / Tree Traversal
Graph traversal means visiting each node in a graph systematically. Tree traversal is a form of this, specific to tree structures, following paths from root to leaves. Both determine the order of visiting nodes for searches or data processing.
Coding Problem Question: Can you implement depth-first search for a graph represented as an adjacency list?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Greedy Algorithms
Greedy algorithms work by creating a solution step by step, always selecting the next part that provides the clearest and quickest advantage. Therefore, problems that are best suited for greedy algorithms are those in which choosing the best local option also results in the best overall solution.
Coding Problem Question: How can you minimize the total waiting time for a given array of query times?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Ad-hoc
In computer science, "ad-hoc" refers to solutions designed for a specific problem or task, without a general application. They are often improvised or made from available resources, and are not standardized for multiple scenarios.
Coding Problem Question: How would you check if two groups can take a class photo with one row of students behind another under height constraints?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Greedy Algorithms
Greedy algorithms solve problems by choosing the best option at each step, aiming for a locally optimal solution, hoping this leads to a globally optimal solution. They're simple, fast but don't always find the best answer for complex problems.
Coding Problem Question: How would you maximize the total speed of a tandem bicycle if you have two groups of people and can pair each person from one group with a person from the other group?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Coding Problem Question: Given a set of freelance jobs with deadlines and profits, how can you find the maximum profit without overlapping schedules?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Trees
Coding Problem Question: Given three nodes, can you determine if one node is an ancestor of the other two nodes in a binary search tree?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Binary Search
Binary Search is a fast algorithm for finding an item in a sorted list by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. Start in the middle, eliminate half, and repeat until the item is found or not.
Coding Problem Question: In a theater, find the best seat (closest to the center of the first row) given a list of occupied seats.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array/Subarray
An array is a list of elements in a specific order. A subarray is a contiguous segment of an array, meaning it's a sequence of elements in the array that are next to each other without gaps.
Coding Problem Question: Can you find a subarray that sums up to zero in a given array?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree / BST
Coding Problem Question: Given a BST where two nodes have been swapped, how would you correct the BST?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Array / Searching
Coding Problem Question: How can you find all missing numbers from a given sequential list of numbers with some missing elements?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: By marking the presence of each number in a separate array, we can easily identify which numbers are missing by checking zeros in this array.
Question Type: Tree / BST
Coding Problem Question: Can you find the sum of all values in two Binary Search Trees?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The sum of all values in a BST can be found by recursively summing all the nodes' values.
Question Type: Array / Voting Algorithm
An array is a sequential collection of elements stored at contiguous memory locations. The Voting Algorithm finds the majority element that appears more than half the time in a sequence, using constant space and linear time.
Coding Problem Question: How would you determine the majority element in an array which appears more than floor(n/2) times?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Linked List
Coding Problem Question: How can you remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Using a HashSet to record values that have already been seen allows us to remove duplicates effectively.
Question Type: Linked List
A linked list is a collection of elements called nodes, where each node contains data and a reference to the next node, forming a chain. Unlike arrays, it allows efficient insertion and removal of elements without reorganizing the entire structure.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the middle node of a singly linked list in one pass?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The slow pointer moves one step at a time, while the fast pointer moves two steps, thus when the fast pointer reaches the end, the slow pointer will be at the middle.
Question Type: String Manipulation
Coding Problem Question: How would you count the number of ways to combine a list of sweet items with a list of savory items given that one sweet item must be paired with one savory item?
Java Coding Answer:
// Each sweet item can be paired with each savory item, so the total combinations
// are the product of the counts of sweet and savory items.
// Comment: This is a straightforward combinatorics problem — the product rule of counting applies here.
Question Type: BST
Coding Problem Question: How can you insert, delete, and find a node in a Binary Search Tree? Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: BST operations follow the property of BST that left children are less than the node value and right children are greater.
Question Type: BST Validation
BST Validation checks if a binary tree follows Binary Search Tree rules: each node's left children are smaller, right children are larger, recursively applied to all nodes. This ensures the tree's correctness for operations like search and insert.
Coding Problem Question: How can you validate that a binary tree is a binary search tree?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The recursive helper function checks the validity of the BST by ensuring node values fall within a valid range, which gets updated when traversing down the tree.
Question Type: Binary Tree
A binary tree is a structure where each node has at most two children. It's used for efficient searching and sorting, with operations like insert, delete, and find. Examples include Binary Search Trees (BST), AVL trees, and Red-Black trees.
Coding Problem Question: Find the maximum path sum in a binary tree, where a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The recursive function calculates the maximum sum at each node and updates the global maximum. It returns the maximum path sum without splitting.
Question Type: Graph / Tree Search
Coding Problem Question: How would you find all the nodes in a binary tree that are 'K' distance from a target node?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the maximum sum of an increasing subsequence within an array of integers?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Coding Problem Question: How would you determine the longest common subsequence between two strings?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: This solution uses a 2D array to build up the solution for the longest common subsequence using dynamic programming.
Question Type: Dynamic Programming/Greedy
Dynamic Programming solves complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems, caching solutions for efficiency. Greedy algorithms tackle problems by choosing the best immediate option, hoping for an optimal overall result without revisiting choices.
Coding Problem Question: Given an array of integers where each element represents the max number of steps that can be jumped going forward from that element, write a function to return the minimum number of jumps you must take to get from the start to the end of the array.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The greedy approach keeps track of the farthest reachable index at each step and updates the steps remaining accordingly.
Question Type: Tree Transformation
Tree Transformation in computer science involves changing one tree structure into another, maintaining equivalent information. It's used in compilers for syntax trees, converting high-level code into an optimized form that computers understand better, like machine code or bytecode.
Coding Problem Question: How can you transform a binary tree so that each node's right pointer points to its right sibling (the next node at its level), assuming perfect binary tree structure?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree
In computer science, a tree is a structure of nodes connected by edges, with one root node and various levels of connected child nodes. No cycles exist; each child node has one parent, facilitating hierarchical data organization and management.
Coding Problem Question: How would you calculate the sum of all depths of nodes in a binary tree?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Tree Traversal
Tree traversal is navigating through a tree structure, a data hierarchy, visiting all nodes in a specific order, like top-to-bottom or left-to-right. It’s crucial for tasks like searching, sorting, and manipulating hierarchical data.
Coding Problem Question: Can you compare the leaf traversal of two binary trees to determine if they are the same without building the leaf list?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Iterative DFS is used to find the next leaf node in each tree without storing all leaf nodes.
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Coding Problem Question: How do you determine the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of a given string?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Coding Problem Question: Find the length of the longest strictly increasing subsequence in an array of integers.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The dp array tracks the length of the increasing subsequence ending at each index. The final result is the maximum value in dp.
Question Type: Hashing and Dynamic Programming
Hashing converts data into a fixed-size numerical value for fast searching and comparison. Dynamic Programming solves problems by dividing them into subproblems, caching results to avoid recalculation, efficiently optimizing complex decisions.
Coding Problem Question: Given a list of words, how can you construct the longest string chain by adding or removing one character at a time?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Matrix
A matrix in computer science is a rectangular array of numbers arranged in rows and columns, used to represent data and relationships. It's essential in various computations like graphics, simulations, and solving systems of linear equations.
Coding Problem Question: How do you find whether a square of zeroes exists in a boolean matrix?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: String Search
Coding Problem Question: How do you implement the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm for substring search?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: KMP uses the LPS array to skip characters while matching, avoiding redundant checks and improving efficiency.
Question Type: Pathfinding / Graph Algorithm
Pathfinding in computer science uses graph algorithms to find the shortest route between two points. It's like solving a maze, examining possible paths step by step, often employing algorithms like Dijkstra's or A* to efficiently determine the optimal path.
Coding Problem Question: Implement the A* search algorithm for pathfinding on a grid.
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Recursion
Recursion in computer science refers to a function calling itself to solve smaller instances of the same problem, incrementally leading to a solution, often with a base case as the simplest, stopping condition.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the Nth number in the Fibonacci sequence using an efficient algorithm?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: An iterative approach uses constant space and linear time, which is more efficient than the recursive approach.
Question Type: Tree Traversal
Tree traversal in computer science is the process of visiting all the nodes in a tree data structure, each node being a data point, in a systematic way. Common methods include in-order, pre-order, and post-order for depth-first traversal, and level-order for breadth-first traversal.
Coding Problem Question: Write functions to perform in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversal of a BST.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: In a BST, in-order traversal gives nodes in non-decreasing order, pre-order is used to create a copy of the tree, and post-order is used to delete the tree.
Question Type: Recursion
Recursion in computer science is a method where a function calls itself to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable sub-problems, each resembling the original, until reaching the simplest form, the base case.
Coding Problem Question: How would you calculate the product sum of a special array where the special array is a non-empty array that contains either integers or other "special" arrays? The product sum of a "special" array is the sum of its elements, where "special" arrays inside it are summed themselves and then multiplied by their level of depth.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The recursive helper method keeps track of the current depth to multiply the sums accordingly.
Question Type: BST
A Dynamic Binary Search Tree (BST) is a flexible data structure that can adjust its layout as data is added or removed. It maintains sorted order, allowing for quick searches, insertions, and deletions, adapting to ensure optimal access times as it changes.
Coding Problem Question: How can you construct a Binary Search Tree with minimal height from a sorted array?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Using a binary search approach, we recursively find the middle element for the root of the BST and repeat for subarrays.
Question Type: Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming is a strategy for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler parts, solving each once, and saving the results to avoid unnecessary work when those parts recur. It's particularly effective for optimization issues where decisions have overlapping subproblems.
Coding Problem Question: Given an array representing heights of a histogram (where each bar is 1 unit wide), how can you calculate the total area of water trapped between the bars after it rains?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Calculate water area by finding the tallest bar on the left and right of every bar and then calculate the trapped water based on the shorter of the two.
Question Type: Binary Search
Dynamic Binary Search involves algorithms that adapt to changes over time, efficiently maintaining and searching through a sorted dataset that is frequently updated with insertions or deletions, ensuring optimal access and modification speeds.
Coding Problem Question: Implement a binary search algorithm that returns the index of a given target in a sorted array, or -1 if it is not present.
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: Binary search splits the array in half each time, reducing the search space, until the target is found or the space is empty.
Question Type: BST
A Dynamic Binary Search Tree (BST) is a flexible data structure that can adjust its layout as data is added or removed. It maintains sorted order, allowing for quick searches, insertions, and deletions, adapting to ensure optimal access times as it changes.
Coding Problem Question: How would you find the kth largest value in a BST?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Dynamic Programming / Optimization
Dynamic Programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them into simpler subproblems, storing the results to avoid repeat work. It's often used in optimization to find the best solution among many possibilities efficiently.
Coding Problem Question: In the classic 0/1 Knapsack Problem, how do you determine the maximum total value that can be achieved with a given weight limit?
Java Coding Answer:
// Comment: The knapsack problem is solved using dynamic programming to build a 2D array that stores the maximum value for each sub-capacity and number of items.
Question Type: Graphs / Currency Arbitrage
Graphs in computer science represent networks, showing how points (nodes) are connected. Currency arbitrage exploits price differences in currencies using graphs to find profitable exchanges by tracing a loop of rates yielding more than you started with.
Coding Problem Question: How can you detect an arbitrage opportunity in currency exchange rates?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Geometry / Matrix
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the number of rectangles formed by lines connecting dots in a grid represented by a 2D array?
Java Coding Answer:
Question Type: Geometry / Hashing
Geometry in computer science involves using shapes and spatial calculations for tasks like graphics and design. Hashing transforms data into short, fixed-size values for secure, speedy searches and data comparison, like creating a unique library index for every book.
Coding Problem Question: How can you find the number of rectangles formed by a given set of points on a 2D plane? Assume that a rectangle can only be counted if its sides are parallel to the x and y axes.
Java Coding Answer:
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